Nous sommes Québecois français. En 2012, mon époux a pris sa retraite et nous étions prêt à acheter un condo en Floride près d'un terrain de golfe (nous somme golfeur acharnés). On a fait des recherches sur l'internet et nous avons trouvé le site de John Bourassa qui parle français. On lui a téphoné et il nous a bien expliqué en détail comment fonctionne l'immobilier de la Floride, l'état du marché, et les valeurs. John nous a finalement trouvé un beau condo sur un terrain de golfe à Palm-Aire. John a pris tout en main, nous a connecté avec le notaire ainsi avec tout le personnel impliqué dans une transaction et il a supervisé la vente en entier. On est très satisfait.
Daniel Beaulieu and Jocelyne Raymond: Buyers
十年前,约翰先生热心地帮助了我在弗罗里达州南部购买了我的度假公寓。因为他有三十余年的市场经验又生活在那里,加上他对职业的尽心,对顾客的热心,我能够买下理想的公寓。 弗罗里达州有非常多的房地产商。我面试了三十多位后, 选择了约翰先生。他的诚实和对顾客的热心是我选择他作为我的房地产商的主要原因。
Yong Han: Buyer
Lieber Herr Bourussa Noch einmal möchte ich mich bei Ihnen ganz persönlich für Ihre großartige und wertvolle Beratung sowie Ihre Dienste beim Kauf meiner Winterresidenz in Fort Lauderdale bedanken. Ihre fachliche Kompetenz und Wissen in Bezug auf die Wasserwege in Fort Lauderdale und Umgebung haben mich überzeugt, mir ein Boot anzuschaffen und ‚Kapitän’ in Florida zu werden. Peter Kind
Peter Kind: Buyer
मैं मुंबई, भारत में पैदा हुआ था। ~~~~ जॉन ने अक्टूबर 2014 में पॉम्पानो बीच में पाम-ऐरे में अपना कॉन्डो मुझे बेचा। ~~~~ जॉन मेहनती थे और पूरी प्रक्रिया में धैर्य के साथ उन्होंने मुझे एक भरोसेमंद व्यक्ति ढूंढने में भी मदद की। बंधक ब्रोकर, एक संपत्ति निरीक्षक और एक समापन एजेंट। ~~~~ जॉन के साथ काम करना बहुत अच्छा अनुभव था और मैं उसे किसी भी व्यक्ति को सलाह देता हूं जो संपत्ति या अपने घर को खरीदना या बेचना चाहता है। ~~~~~ जॉन बोरासा
Narain Mukhi: Buyer
Se qualcuno pensasse che non e' necessario un agente immobiliare capace ed affidabile per vendere o comprare una casa,e non siete sicuri a chi affidarvi,vi suggerisco di rivolgervi a John Bourassa,che ho conosciuto nel 2011 attraverso un conoscente quando decisi di trasferirmi a Fort Lauderdale dopo 30 anni trascorsi a New York. Il mio nome e' Mario Possentini e sono originario di Bagni di Lucca (LU).La scelta dell'agente immobiliare e' basilare perche' non tutte le situazioni sono simili.La capacita' e professionalita'di John mi hanno aiutato ad acquistare due abitazioni. la sua conoscenza e preparazione e' stata fondamentale per potermi districare in un campo a me sconosciuto..Quindi non esitate a contattarlo nel caso siate interessati ad acquistare un'abitazione in Florida.
Mario Possentini: Buyer and Seller
We are from Iowa, moved down to Pompano Beach in 2012 and rented a condo for 2 years from a friend of ours so we get to know the lay of the land. John Bourassa was referred to us by our friends Jack and Kate. We began working with John and with plenty of patience, he found us a beautiful pool house in Victoria Park. We are now thinking of scaling down to a condo on the Intracoastal a few years from now and John will be our man to help us again.
K & D McMeans: Buyers
“I have worked with John for years and could not have bought my properties without his help and expertise. I’m a very particular buyer and John has always been extremely responsive to my many needs and questions, guiding me through the process and helping me to achieve my goals. His knowledge of the south Florida market is unsurpassed. Whether I was looking for a rental with a good return on investment or a personal home to hang my hat, John has always been there. In one instance he helped me to identify a property that I would not have otherwise considered but that ultimately turned out to be the best fit. I strongly recommend John to anyone who is looking to buy or sell real estate in south Florida.”
Eric B.: Buyer
When I was first looking for a Condo in Ft Lauderdale or Pompano back in 2002, I was introduced to a very respectable Realtor named John Bourassa. When I met John, he started to show me Condos that were the exact size that I wanted. When viewing the Condo lineup he had prepared for me, he made sure to show me all the features that were important to me, and within a couple of days I did find the one I liked and bought it. John in no way ever pressured me to buy anything; instead, he skillfully guided me to select what I was really looking for, and he helped me all the way through the closing. That was a time when prices were booming, so, I remodeled my first purchase, a couple of years later, I sold it, bought another, and so on which John handled the subsequent 13 sales and purchases (combined). John never disappointed me and all were very smooth Sales and purchases. John, is the very best in Selling Real Estate Keep up the good work! Joe Prairie
Joe P.: Buyer and Seller
Ο Γιάννης σαν κτηματομεσίτης είναι φερενγκειος, ειλικρινείς και τίμιος. Μας βοήθησε να βρούμε το διαμέρισμα που είμαστε πολύ ευχαριστημένοι. Το χαρακτηριστικό του Γιάννη είναι ότι μας έδωσε την πλήρη εικόνα χωρίς πόλεις παρεκτροπές και ψεύτικες υποσχέσεις. Για αυτό μπορούμε άνετα να τον συστήσουμε.
Costa and Tammy P.: Buyer
Eu e o Cliff somos muito afortunados por termos nos conectado com John Bourassa, da equipe imobiliária da Atlantic Properties International, durante nossa busca por um novo lar em Fort Lauderdale. Nós colocamos um outro apartamentopara vender e, uma vez que somos residentes no estado da Florida, nós tínhamos que ter uma residência aqui. Confiar no John durante esta transição que, com a ajuda dele, as coisas foram muito menos estressante pra nós para dizer o mínimo! John sempre se mantevecalmo e ouvindo todos os nossos pedidos, que não foram poucos. Sempre disponível, ele respondeu imediatamente às nossas perguntas para nos ajudar a tomar uma decisão. Nós recomendamos o John Bourassa a qualquer pessoa que esteja comprando ou vendendo sua casaou apartamento. E sem dúvida nós o procuraremos quando tivermos futuras necessidades imobiliárias. Ficamos impressionados com o profissionalismo dele e seu interesse genuíno em assegurar que estávamos satisfeitos com nossa decisão final sobre nosso novo apartamento.E o melhor de todo esse processo é que nós temos não apenas um competente agente imobiliário, mas um grande amigo. Carlos Henrique
Carlos Henrique: Buyer